December 11, 2013


inadequacy. a word that can discourage, break down, ruin, stifle. a word i so often struggle with. this inadequacy i feel in my life seems to stem from every aspect: my marriage, my appearance, my talent, my friendships. this inadequacy i battle is real. i am inadequate. 

while I've come to accept this truth, this fact that I am inadequate, I praise Him who is sufficient, for He is my adequacy. i praise Him who takes my shortcomings, my failures, my rags, and makes them into something. into everything. i am nothing good without Him. in my marriage, i am only a good wife to aaron because of Christ. in my appearance, i am only worthy because it is He who created me and my inmost being. in my talent, i am only creative because of His gifting. in my friendships, I am only a friend because of His example. 

yet while He's my adequacy, i still fall. i still fail. in reading Hebrews 3 today, i was reminded that my unbelief prevents me from entering the promised land, from receiving all Christ has for me. how powerful that while God gives God, i play a big part in whether i receive Him. 

oh Lord, increase my belief so that i may be adequate in You and You alone.